
Welcome to Write into the Light™

About this Blog’s Author and Writing

I write about mental health, bipolar disorder, panic, generalized, and social anxiety disorders, CPTSD, BPD, ADHD, recovery, and chronic pain. Journaling has been a part of my life since I was 12 years old, and while the style in which I journal changes randomly – from detailed accounts of my daily life to prayers to gratitude lists to daily reflections to facts about how a new medication is affecting my sleep or moods to bullet points of life’s recent happenings – it is always therapeutic for me.

I thank God for the ability to formulate my thoughts and to be able to write them in my journal. Sometimes I reread what I have written because it helps me to identify patterns in my moods and behaviors. But mostly, I just write about it and then forget it. It’s as if the paper soaks up the craziness in my head and I am left with a lighter heart and a clearer mind after I journal.

What Sparked Me to Start this Blog

In the beginning of 2011, as my mental illness still had a strong hold on me, I became frustrated with the daily meditation books I have because they no longer gave me peace as they once did. So, I began looking for meditations specifically for those with mental illness and didn’t have much luck.

Write into the Light’s History

Write into the Light’s original, primary purpose was to deliver inspiration to those who suffer from mental illness through meditations that were posted here beginning April 1, 2011. Since this time, Write into the Light has become a source of hope and support using various writing forms, including journal entries, essays, book reviews, poetry, art, writing prompts, and research reports – all related to mental illness and all written by me, the blog author.

In November 2011, Write into the Light branched out into publishing the literary art works of other individuals with mental illness via an online journal entitled Turtle Way at http://turtleway.wordpress.com. If you are interested in submitting your work to this publication see Submission Guidelines.

Subscribe via email so that you don’t miss any future posts.

The Request

I humbly ask for your feedback as you read each post. My hope is that you will be able to relate to the struggles discussed and to the message of hope provided regardless of your mental illness diagnosis.

And if you can get past my craziness and focus on the promise of better, more peaceful times, this journey and its obstacles may be more bearable for us all. Hell, we may even survive! Wouldn’t that be something?

The journey is the reward. ~ Chinese Proverb

16 thoughts on “About

  1. Great to find your site. I relate so much to how the style of your writing changes, and I enjoyed your descriptions of all the types of posts, and why you write. I feel the same way. Thanks for putting it into words. Thank God (the Universe, a Higher Power, Alah, Buddha, the Goddess, etcetera) for words.


  2. Hola. I’m happy you have continued to write for so long. I agree with you that sometimes you write to get some of the crazy out; once it is on paper you forget about it some 🙂 I’m sometimes amazed/shocked at some things I have written for the feelings at the time were so powerful you just had to get it out! Looking back now it was a necessary thing to do, to write… always will be. Take care.


  3. I just found your blog. Thank you. Thank you so much. It is wonderful to hear the account of someone else who has similar difficulties. I write a great deal, but right now I cannot think of words that could express my gratitude. It is nice to know I am not alone. Keep writing, and keep surviving. One day, the act of surviving may turn to thriving. A little hope goes a long way, and in trying to find it for yourself, you have given it to me. Thank you.


  4. I want to thank you for following “A Way With Words.” My joy in writing is made more complete as people read what I’ve written.

    While I primarily post on faith and mental illness, I’m known to dabble in other subjects, stories, and even the occasional poem. If you have any requests, let me know.

    I appreciate what you have going here, both in sharing your own story of living with bipolar and engaging others who wrestle with mental illness. I particularly appreciate your writing prompts and hope to participate in more in the days ahead.

    May you be blessed as you are a blessing to others.

    Tony Roberts


  5. Wil — I love this! I found this through Google search of bipolarity and Eckart Tollle. I have found writing a very powerful tool for mental health but also a double-edged sword as it provokes hypomanic states. Still pondering this as bipolar and creativity appear to be linked. In the meantime I continue to write and derive enormous joy from it, you can see at http://www.circlinghandbook.com and the footer of that site. Keep up the good work!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Hello, my friend. I hope this finds you doing well.

    I’m getting back into the blogging world after having been away for some time.

    I have now transformed my blog into the website “Delight in Disorder: Faith & Mental Illness” (delightindisorder.org). As a man of faith with over 25 years of “lived experience with bipolar disorder,” my goal is to share hope with others who have troubled minds and shatter stigma through stories.

    I hope you will join me there.

    Take care & God bless,

    Liked by 1 person

    • thank you, Jennymarie. Nice to connect with you as well. So sorry for the late reply. The month has just gotten away from me. I look forward to checking out your advocacy efforts too. Thanks again.

      Liked by 1 person

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